Quarto projects and websites


Website construction in progress…

What is Quarto and is it on my machine?

It is not an R packg, it’s its own program to install… but RStudio (after some verison) install it as a bundled piece…

# reports on the full path names of an executable 

# quarto version

Markdown divs

Rather than write out the HTML, you can use “fenced Div blocks”, which somewhat resemble code chunks. These Div blocks use the following syntax, where # denotes the ID, and . denotes a class.


  • this (markdown) is =
::: {#hello .greeting .message style="color: red;"}
Hello **world**!

Hello world!

  • to this (HTLM)
<div id="hello" class="greeting">
  Hello world!
  • and this (markdown) is =
::: {style="color: red; border: solid black;"}
Goodbye, world.

Goodbye, world.

  • and to this (HTLM)
<div style="color: red; border: solid black;">
  Goodbye, world.

Quarto themes

Quarto and bibliography

Check out these resources: